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Always Ready for Both: 2004, #1
If You Buy the Experience: 2004, #8
Madness: 2004, #2
Ebook series20 titles

2004 Series

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About this series

The first signs had already been seen when I was in my mother's womb, a narrow, cramped place with little availability of food, without having the freedom to move as I wanted, in what I wanted to do.
Here comes the day of birth, my mother pushing on her abdominal as hard as possible, the adequate dilation, and I am undecided whether to continue frequenting those places or change home.
In the end, nature wins, when it decides something we are always powerless, and they immediately have to weigh you as if you were a market animal, just purchased: Giovanna the baby is 5.8 kg and was born with the Shirt of Fortune, but ignorance it pushes her to delete this detail, not to let anyone know, after all she is a seventeen-year-old girl, but who will later be decisive for all the things that will happen in my life.
She seemed to be happy, indeed perhaps she was, but her manifestation was immediately extinguished by the arrival of my father who smilingly told her: you wanted a boy, this will lead to your ruin.
Relatives and friends rushed to see the sacrificial lamb that was crying and the doctor prescribed chamomile, sure that it was post-birth abdominal colic.
The grandmother's ingenuity was not long in arriving, but like chamomile and chamomile, the child is hungry, and in the face of every expectation a bottle full of milk arrived, four rations, which ended immediately and appeased my anger, despite the mother having a fifth of breasts, but it didn't help me to be able to breastfeed, and hence great attention in the future towards women with large breasts, hoping that one day someone would be able to give me new emotions.
A life as a lucky boy, as a lucky man, as a lucky old man, where in my street I have always found many people, of
better people, I have always been jealous of their relationship, always discreet and never intrusive, because they are always the best, mediocre people always ready to want to change, dominate and manage me, but they always remained mediocre, like dwarfs who dream of being giants, but in the end they remain dwarfs, all helpless and unsuccessful.
Marking the pace was an exercise I did for a year, when I gave my willingness to do military service, marking time has never been a problem, but I have always preferred to rely on the care of women, from whom I have gained pleasure and teachings. , love and passion, lessons and betrayals, and there have been so many, none have ever forgotten me, not even one, because of my loyalty and correctness, without lies, led to do without ever promising.
My mother is the woman who brought me into the world, in her genetic role of being the woman who gave birth to me, I was lucky enough to be able to spend only five years with her, this was the maximum time we allowed ourselves, after Our paths have diverged, and at my age I realize that our paths will never cross again.
Today I am the author of books and I distribute them all over the world. I received strong sensations from seeing myself on the Japanese price lists and the books sold in YEN, CNY in China, RUP IES in India, and others, places with many people, and I from a small Calabrian suburb I arrived there, without asking myself how it happened, but for one reason only, one reason only, because

Release dateJun 4, 2024
Always Ready for Both: 2004, #1
If You Buy the Experience: 2004, #8
Madness: 2004, #2

Titles in the series (20)

  • Madness: 2004, #2


    Madness: 2004, #2
    Madness: 2004, #2

    According to a study by World Psychiatry, 20% of all humanity has psychiatric problems. The symptoms are often not treated, as the patient tends to hide his real condition. No madman will claim to be one. Madness cannot be studied, but it can be cured, the only element that truly brings men together. The same doctor, during the treatment phase, almost never uses the same protocol for each patient, there are no identical diseases, but there are different patients. The attempts are aimed at evaluating the treatments and understanding whether the one implemented is the right one. A writer who talks about madness can only do so for one reason: seeing others, in their manifestations, leads him to an introspective analysis of the individual. The confirmed pathology associates us with her, and we can never distance her.

  • Always Ready for Both: 2004, #1


    Always Ready for Both: 2004, #1
    Always Ready for Both: 2004, #1

    After having written eleven books of autobiographical fiction-non-fiction, I had taken some time to rest my mind and body, but from many quarters I am urged to develop and write number twelve, and accepting the challenge does not seem really difficult to me, but I feel an absolute duty towards all those readers who know me to say that I will put all my effort into it. I have never been a writing professional, even if the production times would have followed my abilities and not a random order, as often happens with those publishers who offer incentives and adequate financial advances, as a habit of encouraging their writers in the production of new works. The title was not easy to find, the theme did not have to be complex, the quality had to represent the best, because the latest work of every author is always the best, and on a winter evening as I was preparing to rest I had a enlightenment, this is how the title "ALWAYS READY FOR BOTH" was born, talking about a free boy who is never busy, living in his own solitude even when he finds himself among many. Thinking and Understanding were my two nourishments for living, without them I would never have left home, never deal with topics that are unknown, it would remain a truth told between friends at the bar, which will give surprise and reflections on how a child was able to manage "ALWAYS READY FOR BOTH".

  • If You Buy the Experience: 2004, #8


    If You Buy the Experience: 2004, #8
    If You Buy the Experience: 2004, #8

    One of the most important moments in a man's life is facing daily difficulties, and if he is not fortunate enough to have experience, he becomes easily attacked and inclined to lose his battles. People do not construct experiences without sacrifices, only a select number of characters, as if they were actors, play the part within the theater of life, where the parts are already assigned and only one person directs, God. The idea of every lived experience, remember that what you carry in your pocket is all you have, what you carry in your heart is what you can give, what you carry in your mind is infinite.

  • Free Thinker: 2004, #3


    Free Thinker: 2004, #3
    Free Thinker: 2004, #3

    Theologians began, in churches of every order and type, and then moved on to philosophers, Germans in the lead, because the ability to think offers the opportunity to generate good dialogues. Historically, the ability to think before reading or expressing judgments has been told over the centuries by the Greek people, from whom we inherited knowledge, and we still need their teachings. This book is not a school lesson, I have no merits or titles, but it is intended to be a glimpse of the life of those who have often disobeyed, without thinking and have caused trouble. Allowing yourself to smile and capitalize on mistakes still is the best exercise for smiling and judging with serenity.

  • Think Before Sharing: 2004, #4


    Think Before Sharing: 2004, #4
    Think Before Sharing: 2004, #4

    The real point is social media where we often share stories, photos, ideas without thinking and for what purpose. An ex-girlfriend to whom we want to let know that we have a new partner, and this creates jealousy, but no one reflects gratuitously on the harm that is done. Posting in a blog, sharing an intimacy, my wife discovered one day that I had adopted a child from a distance, and it was not nice to let her know like that. Most users of electronic and IT devices share without thinking. Reflection as an opportunity for life lets us know that before opening our mouths, generating less and less stupidity, we need to think. I was an example of time.

  • An Army of Women Ready for Anything: 2004, #5


    An Army of Women Ready for Anything: 2004, #5
    An Army of Women Ready for Anything: 2004, #5

    When I made the decision to author this book, my first thought went to millions of authors, who like me, had the idea of conducting an analysis on women, but no one told them. I was able to detect the main manifestation of writing, which dealt with women, from works that always reported the same topics and concepts, revised, and reworked from multiple angles. The result was an endless list that was used, and which reported: WOMEN'S PHILOSOPHY, ART, WOMAN'S BIBLE, SEDUCTION, RELATIONSHIPS, UNDERSTANDING WOMEN, ATTRACTIONS TOWARDS WOMEN, INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE, WOMEN'S RIGHTS, THE COURAGE OF WOMEN, FEMINISM, WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT WOMEN, GREAT WOMEN, HAPPY WOMEN, FEMALE PSYCHOLOGY, CONTRAST VIOLENCE, WOMEN OF HISTORY, 8 MARCH. It was 02.00 at night, when I burst out laughing without being able to stop, because I had noticed the use of so much theory in the titles, and the contents could have easily been downloaded from Wikipedia, I did not notice any appreciable news or innovation. No one can say about the lack of personal experience, a real limit in the absence of exploratory journeys, the knowledge did not even pass through contradictions, absence of ideas and thoughts in thinking about diversity, and what was missing was no physical knowledge. We are all born from a woman, and we are tied to her for our whole life, the man finds greater comfort, finding protection and cuddles in her, and the strength in always being helped and supported to take and overcome our worst moments, we we are the weak ones. The woman's suffering is relative, it is temperamentally linked to the father's gaze, from which she draws security and certainties, which make her impervious to any type of attack. With his single point of reference, he always manages to know which the best weapon is to use at the right time, they play with silences.

  • And As If It Were Me: 2004, #9


    And As If It Were Me: 2004, #9
    And As If It Were Me: 2004, #9

    So many identities, different voices, contrasting characters, distant origins and you ask yourself: WHAT IF IT WAS ME………… Even when the days pass, time passes inexorably, you often stop to reflect on the things done, achieved, on those you still want to do, increase successes or challenges against losses, this is always the enigma. But in economics they have studied people like me and have established that a huge series of failures absolutely leads towards a single path to success, and I wonder WHAT IF IT WAS ME……. The total, whether positive or negative, always represents an algebraic sum, the true value is the quality of the things produced. You look in the mirror, maybe a few years older, and think how all this was possible, and that is where you ask yourself: WHAT IF IT WAS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! You still have a great desire to do, because your Style distinguishes you and your class is unique, they will be the only elements visible to others, who will wonder who you are. You are a special person and no one knows it, you kept it secret in the most intimate place you have, your heart and you are happy that others can wonder who managed to do all this, WHAT IF IT WAS ME!!!!!! !!!!

  • Wake Me up When I’m Famous: 2004, #14


    Wake Me up When I’m Famous: 2004, #14
    Wake Me up When I’m Famous: 2004, #14

    Every Justice is the child of its time, of the populations, of the educations, of the cultures and it often happened that in the past innocent people were convicted. The Church itself gave us a great contribution, imposing rules and mystifications at all times in the name of God, but in fact the will of the clergy, but it was a reality that despite time, did not help it to be forgotten or changed, it was only the I hope for a new trend, modernity. Within the home, the couple faces a common problem, the origin of which is unknown, and as if by magic there is always the tendency to blame the husband, as if it were an automatic exercise of justice, the only scapegoat , but behind so many automatisms certainties often arise, it's true, but also unexpected exasperations. What for many years seemed like a general rule, upon entering a Courtroom, observing the writing above the highest bench where the Judge is sitting, "THE LAW IS THE SAME FOR ALL", has become a justice that overturns with actions, according to which the same patients must be treated equally and different patients can be treated differently if the differences are relevant to the treatment. A bit like saying let me know how you feel today and I'll award your sentence, or how much your economic assets are and I'll give you a fair sentence, or how many employees you have in the factory, or your surname reminds me of someone, yes, I'm the nephew of……never say that you were taken by need this is the indication that you are nobody. It would be enough to remember major failures of Italian companies, always perpetrated by the same people, with different tasks and assignments, and to have noticed that the judicial findings were painless, almost to say sorry if we made you come here today, indeed in some cases new government positions with the tripled salary, but it is not an isolated case, just the luck of some mother's sons who have had this destiny, with the help of their mothers. In relation to the Mafia sentences, we remember the most sensational ones, such as the one involving the former Honorable Andreotti who emerged unharmed from twenty-five trials, usually claiming that he lived in Rome but was often in Palermo for a walk, thanks to the seaside area , and that he kissed everyone he met in the town of Corleone, just because he wanted to share his joy and emotional component with them. The case in question made us know that the subjects receiving the kisses were the leaders of Cosa Nostra, the first true Mafia organization in the world. Then we learn that, on the basis of new evidence, that judgment was issued with serious errors, failures and lack of evidence, but the Judge is not worried about paying the damages, he is not subject to convictions, but continues to live in the midst of his arrogance and his power, and his sins and errors are not even ascribed to his profile. These are the general ethical principles of Justice, we list them only for the record, they often stay just focal points that no one reads: There are only three of us left, they told the men in one of the moments of life, GOD, MEN and THE EARTH, always confident that a daily improvement could take place, the idea of recognizing the rights and enforcing the duties of all, the only reason why it is worth hoping to be able to move forward and have a better world. Nobody ever talks about what they can do for others, but the common exercise is always to think of having to judge them, it's easier, knowing what lies around the corner becomes the easiest exercise, it would be nice to think that one day , a theft may occur inside a market, which is necessary only to feed the children of a needy and desperate family, hoping that no one will say anything, where the first right remains, always and in any case, that of helping others, the right to life if anyone had forgotten.

  • Three Quarters of an Hour: 2004, #10


    Three Quarters of an Hour: 2004, #10
    Three Quarters of an Hour: 2004, #10

    Three quarters of an hour. It is an indefinite time, the one that flows between 30 minutes and the completion of the hour, available to do wonderful things. Also, a clear indication that there is a limitation to conduct and complete a project, family and professional. Something that must be done within that time, friend, and enemy of our life, which marks the seconds for all of us and remains silent waiting for our action. Three quarters of an hour: an infinite time to think, listen, read, write, speak, a limited time to dream. An enjoyable time to love, remembering that women must fall in love and men conquer.

  • The Real Difference: 2004, #6


    The Real Difference: 2004, #6
    The Real Difference: 2004, #6

    In general, we almost always have the possibility of measuring the differences, and this is what comes naturally to us, respecting our own point of view, always linked to beliefs, educational factors, culture, schooling, and that critical sense common to all which does not he almost never cheats. But sometimes we don't pay all the attention, and we go hard to say what we think without having the possibility of thinking that we could be wrong. Yes, the most difficult difference we must encounter is when we evaluate people, without taking many factors into account, but letting ourselves indulge in bar talk, which is never constructive and motivating, as if we were almost having an argument in the courtyard with our neighbor. We are inclined to want to convince everyone that we are right, when it would take extraordinarily little to understand that we are dealing with people with dry feelings and self-interested roles. Every lived experience is a reality for many, almost no one thinks that it is the daughter of a story which, when it ends, is never repeated. Despite all efforts to fight it, ignorance reigns supreme, and its followers never cease to amaze, inventing the idea that chilly water was born before hot water, or the opposite is true. This book aims to explain to us how some people live in life, within the world of work and in society, and what their disorders are, problems that influence the results daily. Everyone thinking about how to earn more, about career advancement, about more or less legal solutions to improve themselves, is a people who find their greatest place in the field of public administration, which is a driving force in many nations that have no industries. Crime finds fertile ground in these places, where all it takes is having a relative to progress in its domain, and that's it. Real progress is measured through enormous and illegal activities, and in a large part of the world it is considered almost normal, even if it suddenly becomes a real powder keg awaiting the action of justice and no one would like to take the consequences. For everyone else it is a difficult path, which you can only follow if you have that extra edge, that characteristic of the fighter, which makes you an absolute winner.

  • We Are Not Friends, But Just Acquaintances: 2004, #11


    We Are Not Friends, But Just Acquaintances: 2004, #11
    We Are Not Friends, But Just Acquaintances: 2004, #11

    Our origins have changed us a lot, the people, the environments, the mentality, the territory are strong conditioning elements. People always try to relate and it doesn't mean that they do it in the best way. The word Love towards others, always inflated in speeches, brings us to the memory of something to love, despite lacking emotional and emotional factors. But friendship is complex, a relationship between two people, full of emotion, respect and sincerity, and loyalty, which no one would really give up. But where to find it? There are those who are passionate, possessive, interested, amorous, curious, malicious, you just need to have the time to stop for just five minutes and say: who do I have next to me? When did it arrive? Man and Woman cannot be friends, history says so and I confirm it, even if there will be those ready to argue otherwise. The belief arises for a very specific reason: whatever the precious type of wood available, it will always burn near the fire and words will not be enough, it is just a natural condition of life.

  • Loss of Value: 2004, #7


    Loss of Value: 2004, #7
    Loss of Value: 2004, #7

    Every day that passed became a challenge with new things to face, driven by that instinct of wanting to do something, typical of those who grew up in a certain type of family. I was sixty years old, every moment was a point of reflection, and people in general, the subjects to compete with, the best were my favorites, but not because they were weaker. Each profession initially and exclusively gave away an identification card, which allowed us to know in which domain it operated, and the general opinion as to whether it was good or half-assed, we would only learn later with the knowledge and errors manifested. But by looking carefully, it was possible to notice the educational level, the principles and values that inspired him, paying attention to the culture, personality, family of origin and place of origin, as well as the friends he frequented. Vices and bad habits would never have been lost or abandoned, we were full of careerists, opportunists, exploiters, bad guys, envious people, loafers, greedy, classists, ostentatious, crafty, they were all children of the same mother, they recognized each other by their attitude, only guilty of having given birth to them, but unwantedly, an inevitable accident along the way, which no one would have been able to remedy. And many fought with these subjects, trying daily to prevail and win but it would have been an unequal battle, because the price to be spent would have been high, without any certainty that the investment produced would have returned a good profit. It was then that I refined the new technique of behavior without combat, against empty, worthless subjects, who had and were worth nothing, no particular dedication to offer and whose only response would have been to manage the ignorant people, a good reason to avoid them, a good reason to know they didn't exist. In this book I want to tell you where these people operate, but don't be scared if I tell you that they are everywhere, with their usual actions, that this type of person does not change or modify, even making a career, without knowing the rules, pretending to forget, good at taking revenge, using lies, spending well, sellers and flatterers alike, but also willing to sell the Bear's skin before having captured it. The objective to be achieved is worth any sacrifice and/or price, because by mindset they must always excel, on everyone's shoulders, on everyone's skin, these are the people who have lost many things, including their value.

  • How I Loved You: 2004, #13


    How I Loved You: 2004, #13
    How I Loved You: 2004, #13

    Man is inclined to focus on well-being, measuring it initially by his own state of health, in being autonomous, in daily movements, in the things we want to do, in regaining that confidence that is often lost, all the things that constitute valid elements that certify our real physical and psychophysical condition, this is our life. But that is not all: character, upbringing, training, experience, dramas, work, friends, genetics, also affect us emotionally and affectively, and almost no one rationally has control over them. Those who spend more time on thoughts, introspective analysis, those who study others in their manifestations, whether they are pessimistic or optimistic, altruistic or selfish, passionate or romantic, positive or negative, good or bad, genuine or malicious, introvert or extrovert, solitary or companionable, generous or stingy, suspicious and distrustful, possibilist and dreamer, but all committed to doing something to know. All people in the world cry, they do it in a different way, some alone, some with a woman, some with a friend, but they all express their pain, the most delicate part of themselves, meeting our intimacy within which we build our inner Temples to strengthen and defend ourselves from everything. This Book tells stories of men addressed to all, living and not, a glimpse of my being Creator and Ideated, in expressing a living feeling that is often kept hidden, but lived with greater intensity, for fear of not wanting to show one's weakness toward a true and genuine love. These are the Men.

  • The World That Represents Us: 2004, #12


    The World That Represents Us: 2004, #12
    The World That Represents Us: 2004, #12

    An important number of people populate the Earth, it would seem like a substantial number, we are only eight billion, but the government actions of many nations have wanted to give us overcrowding by limiting the number of children in the family. Two hundred and eight nations divide these people, and each of them finds the moment, in its corner, to be its own ethnicity, different languages, skin color, ideologies, political opinions, eating habitat.

  • A Fair Imperfection: 2004, #17


    A Fair Imperfection: 2004, #17
    A Fair Imperfection: 2004, #17

    The imperfect being in nature, in the absolute sense, is man, but it is also easy to talk about and describe its manifestations, in its metric diversity, with its characters, ways, behaviors, and finally language, as well as be aware of the asymmetric nature. Imperfection makes us valuable only to the extent that we can prove our value, our principles, and our qualities. The motivation for the book's title is to be found in our interiority, the proper place of life and personal satisfaction. We are all united by our origins, the only thing that really matters. We were born by a woman to whom we will remain tied throughout our lives, with a love that will never end, we will never be alone. The imperfect search will be wanting to find a partner who looks like someone who looks like us and who is without flaws. The best will be formed only through sacrifice and their own ideas, the only two things that are the true leverage of humanity.

  • A New Beginning: 2004, #16


    A New Beginning: 2004, #16
    A New Beginning: 2004, #16

    Every time we manage to complete a project, a story, an important deal, a relationship, that is, we consider a task to be unauthorised, the natural step we take automatically is to give life to: A NEW BEGINNING. This is the natural condition, but even if we encounter failure, failure, disappointment, we react in the same way, with a new desire to do and start again to: A NEW BEGINNING. A family that has not managed to take off, due to cultural differences, betrayals, unique needs, mentalities, the awareness that it was wrong to have approached this institute, offers us the solution of starting again to: A NEW BEGINNING. An illness that left us doomed, no one believed in our victory, to return and start again, because life is a series of opportunities, and you can never lose yourself. A NEW BEGINNING. These are just a few examples, which fit into everyone's life, but the best dimension that not everyone is able to find is internal, deciding to change radically to be better men puts you in a position to say I am ready to: A NEW BEGINNING

  • This Is Me: 2004, #20


    This Is Me: 2004, #20
    This Is Me: 2004, #20

    The first signs had already been seen when I was in my mother's womb, a narrow, cramped place with little availability of food, without having the freedom to move as I wanted, in what I wanted to do. Here comes the day of birth, my mother pushing on her abdominal as hard as possible, the adequate dilation, and I am undecided whether to continue frequenting those places or change home. In the end, nature wins, when it decides something we are always powerless, and they immediately have to weigh you as if you were a market animal, just purchased: Giovanna the baby is 5.8 kg and was born with the Shirt of Fortune, but ignorance it pushes her to delete this detail, not to let anyone know, after all she is a seventeen-year-old girl, but who will later be decisive for all the things that will happen in my life. She seemed to be happy, indeed perhaps she was, but her manifestation was immediately extinguished by the arrival of my father who smilingly told her: you wanted a boy, this will lead to your ruin. Relatives and friends rushed to see the sacrificial lamb that was crying and the doctor prescribed chamomile, sure that it was post-birth abdominal colic. The grandmother's ingenuity was not long in arriving, but like chamomile and chamomile, the child is hungry, and in the face of every expectation a bottle full of milk arrived, four rations, which ended immediately and appeased my anger, despite the mother having a fifth of breasts, but it didn't help me to be able to breastfeed, and hence great attention in the future towards women with large breasts, hoping that one day someone would be able to give me new emotions. A life as a lucky boy, as a lucky man, as a lucky old man, where in my street I have always found many people, of better people, I have always been jealous of their relationship, always discreet and never intrusive, because they are always the best, mediocre people always ready to want to change, dominate and manage me, but they always remained mediocre, like dwarfs who dream of being giants, but in the end they remain dwarfs, all helpless and unsuccessful. Marking the pace was an exercise I did for a year, when I gave my willingness to do military service, marking time has never been a problem, but I have always preferred to rely on the care of women, from whom I have gained pleasure and teachings. , love and passion, lessons and betrayals, and there have been so many, none have ever forgotten me, not even one, because of my loyalty and correctness, without lies, led to do without ever promising. My mother is the woman who brought me into the world, in her genetic role of being the woman who gave birth to me, I was lucky enough to be able to spend only five years with her, this was the maximum time we allowed ourselves, after Our paths have diverged, and at my age I realize that our paths will never cross again. Today I am the author of books and I distribute them all over the world. I received strong sensations from seeing myself on the Japanese price lists and the books sold in YEN, CNY in China, RUP IES in India, and others, places with many people, and I from a small Calabrian suburb I arrived there, without asking myself how it happened, but for one reason only, one reason only, because THIS IS ME

  • United States of America Perfection: 2004, #15


    United States of America Perfection: 2004, #15
    United States of America Perfection: 2004, #15

    Despite being a young people, with a contemporary history of almost three hundred and fifty years, all together they manage to surprise the world in many domains, disciplines, sectors, economies, policies, they are the Americans. Here the church has not had the time and space, as in other nations, to influence habits and change individual rules, because the freedom of a people is already measured in the first amendments of the Constitution, as they did. It is made up of fifty Independent States, with almost three hundred and thirty million multiracial people and a political system built on only two main and large factions: the Democrats and the Republicans. The first fifty most important multinational companies in the world are found here, in terms of production, profit and planning, influencing and favoring the policies of many states throughout the world. The American dream was born here, where many populations reach these places, from all over the world, aware that with a single dollar in their hands, they can make a fortune, become rich, decide whether to grow, transform or invest, it is just a question of will and of time, because you are in the place where you could even become the next President of the United States of America, just believe it. The philosophy that reigns supreme, repeated in the major universities of the country and in the campuses spread across the territory, always resides in the words of people with experience, never inclined to give advice, as many would do, but willing to show you which is the best path to follow if you want to achieve success while maintaining the essential condition of remaining free. Social classes and differences exist everywhere and here they are noticeably clear, with wealth in limited numbers, to the advantage of widespread and common poverty, disordered, latent and bordering the edges of the streets, but in general everywhere and always organized, with reception centers, benefactors or aided by neighbors. But here it also happens that a poor person is always ready to help another poor person, or even to protect him, the spirit of solidarity is well understood and easily expressed, it only happens here Gentlemen even among the poor: this is America. We must learn a lot from the Americans, in the style of wanting to be correct and loyal towards everyone, where corruption does not exist, and personal interests are those of the community, under penalty of retaliation that knows no equal because, when you are thrown out of the system you do not you get back into it.   The post-war period saw us being supported in reconstruction and aid by the American military, and this strengthened the relationship between the two peoples, but a great diversity stays perennially visible already at the birth of newborns, in these terms: the newborn Italian baby cries: "unghee-unghee". the newborn American baby says: "oh my god". Diverse cultures between those who are born asking for help and those who are already ready to help. Long live America.

  • Take the Good, the Bad Comes Alone: 2004, #18


    Take the Good, the Bad Comes Alone: 2004, #18
    Take the Good, the Bad Comes Alone: 2004, #18

    We feel the perception of good and evil almost immediately, through the arrival of an illness, where the doctor, in examining us and knowing our state of health, asks us some questions: how do you feel? Where does it hurt? Can you get up and walk? Does your head spin? Do you feel vomiting? Did you go to the bathroom? What pills did you take? Do you have a fever? This is just to simplify……. It may just be a stupid warning, but mentally we build in our mind the possibility of tracing it back to something more serious, the habit that also moves us to other previous states of health, to the physical, mental, moral, sentimental, emotional condition , which allows us to express and demonstrate how we are, and the current variable state on capabilities. Our organs give us the opportunity to warn in time the active or passive, low or high, performing, or poor functions, and often a negative symptom is an alarm bell of something that must be immediately checked and prevented in the treatment. The brain and the heart are the only fundamental organs that do not cause pain, they are often adjacent areas that hurt, but not them, and in their functions, we have the measure of what our condition is, and whether the parameters are satisfactory or worrying. All material goods, things, or animals themselves, represent a manageable condition, where it is easy to make decisions, but man is complex with many variations and one thing that is not replaceable: Love in everything. The people we deal with every day give us the sweet and the bitter, we love them and we hate them, we want to see them and not see them, know about them or ignore them, but in the end it is enough to have a good degree of tolerance and acceptance. A mention of the spiritual part could not be missing, and my mind takes me back to Bolivia, a few decades ago. I was inside a Missionary headquarters, just outside the city of Oruro, in its department, when a Franciscan Friar asked, during mass, one hundred faithfuls' if they believed in GOD, and the choir rose in unison with the dramatic affirmation of yes. And then, after a while, came the second question whether they believed in the existence of the Devil and everyone was silent, as if wanting to hide, wanting to deny themselves, because they knew he represented evil. A situation of confusion and small discussions was created among the faithful, when the friar concluded that, if they believed in good, they would be forced to believe in the existence of evil and the devil. They all looked at each other a bit, and looked for a sign of consensus among themselves, and the Friar declared the mass over and invited them to go out, because he said that on the path of each of them they would find evil, it was enough just to have the attention and the right strength to be able to recognize it.

  • The Hundred Reflections of an Ignorant: 2004, #19


    The Hundred Reflections of an Ignorant: 2004, #19
    The Hundred Reflections of an Ignorant: 2004, #19

    Even the ignorant think, theirs is a different yardstick from others, but they have a logic that often comes from the history of the ancients and not from progress. We have found that the credibility threshold is measured on two levels: stories that can be true or invented. The dilemma in seeking the truth must be found in the third type of story that we can stand for: that of Fantasias, where no one is able to perfectly find the dimension. The Autobiographical Work allows readers from all over the world to be able to dream using comfortable fantasy, because during many uncomfortable truths there is always acceptance.



FREGA FERDINANDO (1965) began his professional career as a salesman in Gillette Italy; a journey that lasted 20 years, starting from the lowest roles, as bag holder and assistant, to then move on to manager and be recognized first by the Company and then by the Market, in the role of Top Manager, it was the year 2003. In 2004 he became a Freelancer, as a Business Consultant, Recruiter, Social Communicator, in Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Spain, until 2017 and Councilor in the Reggio Calabria Chamber of Commerce. From 2018 to 2020 he actively collaborates with international humanitarian organizations present in various parts of the world to aid and support to needy and difficult populations, teaching social communication at embassies to refugees from some nations. From 2020 to 2021 he created the UNIVERSE FEMININE website, a sentimental, love and affective consultancy project, online only. The investment is considerable, but the Italian investors express their intention of not wanting to participate in the new corporate asset and the activity is considered definitively concluded, recording the first failure. September 2021 he becomes Author, Poet, Writer of Fiction-Non-Fiction, Autobiographical, Creator and Creative Executor, in conjunction with a Psychiatric illness, inherited from his mother, the effects of which lead him happily to cure himself, and to gain the settlement of the Pathology (living without effects) and achieving a better and normal life. He has three adult children, and because of his activity he is always looking for places in the world to live, which can give him the best inspiration, because writing always remains the only means to be able to tell and remember, bringing smiles. He has gained professional experience in the following sectors and managerial positions on: Consumer Goods, Temporary Agencies, Construction, Corporate Security, Fast-food Restaurants, Electronics, IT, Hard Discount, Real Estate, Truck Mechanics, Food Organizational Plans, Writing, Social Communication, Relationship Counseling, Teaching, Charity. There are still many things to do, and even if the time is not enough, he tells us the minutes, our heart and our soul always give us the desire to bring help and a word of comfort to people in need, and I am always offering unique moments, each story is truly unrepeatable.

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