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Atlantis: Evidence
Proof of Atlantis?
Mission: Atlantis: Mission: Atlantis, #2
Ebook series3 titles

Mission: Atlantis Series

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Subtitle: Evidence of Plato’s Lost Island Empire

What if a scientist refused to look at evidence, afraid of the ridicule he knew would be coming his way? Sadly, too much of this happens even today, with “climate change,” the Clovis First dogma and other topics where vested interests provoke hostility instead of open debate.

According to ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, a great island empire was swallowed whole by the sea about 9600 BC. And wouldn’t you know it? We have evidence from 3 different scientific disciplines that point to a major catastrophe 9620 BC.

The facts which tend to support the Atlantis story are numerous and rich with details. And science should never stoop to logical fallacies to dismiss any topic out of hand.

This book provides empirical evidence which strongly supports the past reality of Atlantis. It also provides a geologically-based hypothesis for the initial formation and later destruction of this legendary island. It also gives us empirical evidence to back up the hypothesis. In addition, this book peers into the murky waters of myth and finds a way to add clarity to the stories that have come down to us.

Not only do we find an alternate story of the Atlantis myth, but we discover evidence that the latter days of the legendary island empire may have been matriarchal. Such a startling fact may explain the modern Basque couvade, the hate Romans and Greeks had for the Etruscans and even the behavior of Medea of the Jason and Argonauts myth.

Proof of Atlantis? We know what proof would look like and we know that proof against Atlantis is virtually nonexistent, yet the ridicule persists. Science run by ego and logical fallacies is not a pretty sight. This book contains evidence from a broad range of fields, including geology, physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, genetics, blood biology, linguistics, oceanography and even climate science.

This book sets the stage for a larger work—Mission: Atlantis—currently in preparation after two decades of research and more than half a century of significant interest. This book also points the way forward in what needs to be done to achieve the holy grail of Atlantis academics—Proof of Atlantis.

Release dateApr 30, 2020
Atlantis: Evidence
Proof of Atlantis?
Mission: Atlantis: Mission: Atlantis, #2

Titles in the series (3)

  • Mission: Atlantis: Mission: Atlantis, #2


    Mission: Atlantis: Mission: Atlantis, #2
    Mission: Atlantis: Mission: Atlantis, #2

    Why would scientists ignore evidence? Some scientists occasionally ignore evidence—and sometimes violently. Why would they do this? American journalist and bestselling author,James Gleick explained it this way: "Shallow ideas can be assimilated; ideas that require people to reorganize their picture of the world provoke hostility." When scientists refuse to look because they "know better," others can swoop in to make the big discoveries. That happened when English amateur, Frank Calvert, discovered Troy at Hisarlik, Turkey (Schliemann came later). Ironically, the same arrogance that had blinded the experts still persists today. But Atlantis? Yes, we have evidence. Lots of it. Not yet enough to prove Plato's lost island empire existed, but some compelling—even startling—evidence, including 3bits of scientific fact that tell us something truly earth shattering happened right when Plato said Atlantis was destroyed. • Dramatic change in climate worldwide, 33x as fast as the UN IPCC's feared warming of the 21st century. • A massive volcanic eruption. • A sudden drop in sea level worldwide of between 2 and 7.4 meters. • All happening 9620 BC—a virtual bullseye for the tectonic collapse of Atlantis. For decades, "Clovis First" was sacred dogma in North American anthropology. Experts warned scientists not to dig below the Clovis horizon. If a scientist dared betray Clovis, they could lose funding or even their careers. But this isn't science. This is politics and egoism. And how can dogma in science be overturned if no one looks for evidence? Sadly, this behavior is all too common in science. Stray too far from what is popular and you could be scrambling to learn a new career. Proof of Atlantis? Even first-year geology students know that mountains frequently form at tectonic plate boundaries from subduction and magmatic arcs, or from convergent compression when there are impediments to subduction, as with the continental "bone" of India colliding with the Eurasia. When such mountains form in the ocean, they sometimes become islands. And the region Plato picked for Atlantis is along a tectonic plate boundary. In the case of the northeast Atlantic, we have the Azores underwater mesa—a huge plateau rising above the ocean bottom, upon which the entire Azores archipelago sits. We have the indistinct nature of the Azores-Gibraltar tectonic plate margins which have puzzled geologist for decades. We also have proof that the Africa plate movement with respect to the Eurasia suddenly changed 36 Mya, leading to the formation of the ultra-slow spreading center—the Terceira Ridge, right next to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. All of these facts, and more, attest to some unusual geological actions that could have been involved in the formation, the growth and the ultimate destruction of Plato's lost island. Taking evidence from geology, oceanography, linguistics, genetics, biology, anthropology (both physical and cultural), and paleoclimate, Rod Martin has gathered a compelling set of facts that suggests very strongly that scientists and skeptics have been too hasty in dismissing Atlantis. The highly acclaimed work of L. Sprague de Camp on Atlantis was reexamined thoroughly and found to be riddled with logical fallacies. That his 1954 work could be held as a "monument to scholarship" only shows the shoddy state of critical thinking when it comes to a controversial topic like Atlantis. Martin emphasizes again and again, in his book, that we still have no direct proof of Atlantis itself. Like a true scientist, he uses precision restraint from jumping to the easiest or most obvious conclusions on the facts either for or against the past reality of Plato's lost island. Mission: Atlantis may well be a true monument to scholarship, but more importantly, it remains a wake-up call to scientists everywhere to snap out of...

  • Atlantis: Evidence

    Atlantis: Evidence
    Atlantis: Evidence

    Subtitle: Something very big happened 9620 BC Evidence! Ignoring it won’t make it go away. When we have 3 world-changing events that each occur right when Plato’s Atlantis disappeared, scientists are caught napping, claiming that such evidence doesn’t exist or is impossible. This short book describes 3 pieces of evidence, each from a different scientific discipline, and each of which coincides with Plato’s date for the destruction of Atlantis. Is this an accidental coincidence, or the cause-and-effect variety? The jury is still out on this question, but the type of evidence, more than their coinciding date, does more to suggest that all those experts were too hasty to dismiss Plato’s lost island empire. Though we can’t yet prove Atlantis existed, startling evidence like this does a great deal to keep the door open on the subject. Imagine a civilization that ended 6,000 years before our own history began. Six millennia of Dark Ages wherein the children of Atlantis dazzled their neighbors with technology that, to the primitive Eurasians, looked like magic. This evidence brings us a big step closer to proving Atlantis actually existed. Book 3 in the Mission: Atlantis series.

  • Proof of Atlantis?

    Proof of Atlantis?
    Proof of Atlantis?

    Subtitle: Evidence of Plato’s Lost Island Empire What if a scientist refused to look at evidence, afraid of the ridicule he knew would be coming his way? Sadly, too much of this happens even today, with “climate change,” the Clovis First dogma and other topics where vested interests provoke hostility instead of open debate. According to ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, a great island empire was swallowed whole by the sea about 9600 BC. And wouldn’t you know it? We have evidence from 3 different scientific disciplines that point to a major catastrophe 9620 BC. The facts which tend to support the Atlantis story are numerous and rich with details. And science should never stoop to logical fallacies to dismiss any topic out of hand. This book provides empirical evidence which strongly supports the past reality of Atlantis. It also provides a geologically-based hypothesis for the initial formation and later destruction of this legendary island. It also gives us empirical evidence to back up the hypothesis. In addition, this book peers into the murky waters of myth and finds a way to add clarity to the stories that have come down to us. Not only do we find an alternate story of the Atlantis myth, but we discover evidence that the latter days of the legendary island empire may have been matriarchal. Such a startling fact may explain the modern Basque couvade, the hate Romans and Greeks had for the Etruscans and even the behavior of Medea of the Jason and Argonauts myth. Proof of Atlantis? We know what proof would look like and we know that proof against Atlantis is virtually nonexistent, yet the ridicule persists. Science run by ego and logical fallacies is not a pretty sight. This book contains evidence from a broad range of fields, including geology, physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, genetics, blood biology, linguistics, oceanography and even climate science. This book sets the stage for a larger work—Mission: Atlantis—currently in preparation after two decades of research and more than half a century of significant interest. This book also points the way forward in what needs to be done to achieve the holy grail of Atlantis academics—Proof of Atlantis.


Rod Martin, Jr

Rod Martin, Jr. was born in West Texas, United States. He has been a Hollywood artist, a software engineer with a degree summa cum laude, a writer, web designer and a college professor. Rod Martin's interests have ranged from astronomy to ancient history, physics to geology, and graphics arts to motion pictures. He has studied comparative religion, worked as a lay minister and spiritual counselor, and taught ethics in college. While doing graphic arts in Hollywood, he also studied electronic engineering. In 1983, as Carl Martin, he published his first novel, "Touch the Stars: Emergence," co-authored by John Dalmas (Tor Books, NY). He continues to write science fiction under that pen name. Later, switching careers to computers and information technology, Mr. Martin worked for Control Data, Ceridian Payroll, Bank of America, Global Database Marketing and IPRO Tech. He also created "Stars in the NeighborHood" 3D astronomy space software. He currently resides in the Philippines with his wife, Juvy. He has taught information technology, mathematics and professional ethics at Benedicto College, in Cebu. He continues to teach online and to write books and blogs.

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