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Magic Grifter: Magi Argent, #1
Hunter Killer: Magi Argent, #2
Greymalkin: Magi Argent, #0
Ebook series4 titles

Magi Argent Series

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About this series

Murderous Dark Magi.
A global conspiracy.
And no backup!

I've proven myself to the Magi Council, and I've gained some freedom in return. But while I'm catching up with my good friend Silvana, in New York, a Dark Magus from her past attacks us - in my own home!!!
Looks like I can't even have a quiet night in without someone trying to kill me.

But there's more to this than meets the eye. The Dark Magi have been organising. These Nomads are up to something, and it's fallen to us to find out what.

With leads taking us to Nomad strongholds in the UK, Transylvania, Venezuela and Mexico City, this could be my most dangerous mission yet, with ramifications for all of Magi society.
But time is short and the Council are being too slow.
So it falls to us. We go it alone, consequences be damned.

Magi Argent is a new Urban Fantasy series from author Andrew Dobell.
If you enjoy Jim Butcher, Shayne Silvers, M D Massey, or Kevin Hearne, you'll love this series.

PublisherAndrew Dobell
Release dateJun 12, 2024
Magic Grifter: Magi Argent, #1
Hunter Killer: Magi Argent, #2
Greymalkin: Magi Argent, #0

Titles in the series (4)

  • Greymalkin: Magi Argent, #0


    Greymalkin: Magi Argent, #0
    Greymalkin: Magi Argent, #0

    My name is Atticus Argent, and I'm not to be trusted. Some call me a malcontent, dealer or grifter. But most of all, I'm a Magus. And I'm just trying to survive. After years of dealing and grifting on the Magical Black Market, I was apprehended by the Magi authorities. Placed in a respectable coven, with a high-ranking mentor, they tried to set me on the straight and narrow. Hah! Yeah, that didn't work. I still trade and deal. Who knew, but even amongst these goody-two-shoes Magi, there are still people hooked in Prime Pills and looking for a new Magical trinket. I found my niche, and I provide. But when an old flame wants information that only I can provide, I don't see the harm. That was a mistake. Now people's lives are at risk, including my good friend and his cat. Now I need to step up and do what's right for a change. This will be interesting! Magi Argent is a new Urban Fantasy series from author Andrew Dobell. If you enjoy Jim Butcher, Shayne Silvers, M D Massey, or Kevin Hearne, you'll love this series.

  • Magic Grifter: Magi Argent, #1


    Magic Grifter: Magi Argent, #1
    Magic Grifter: Magi Argent, #1

    It was just one more deal. A favour for a friend. But the Magical Black Market is dangerous. The deal went south quickly, and now things are worse. My life will never be the same again. My name's Atticus Argent, and I really don't care about the war between the Magi factions. It's not my fight. Never has been. I just want to do my thing, live my life, and have some fun. Just ask Greymalkin, my cat. But don't scratch her belly, she'll claw your face off. It was just one more deal. These dealers meet those buyers, they trade, and I skim a little off the top. Easy money. At least, that's how it was supposed to go. But the dark Magi changed everything, and I barely survived. Instead, I was dragged before the Magi Council to answer for my "crimes". They offered me an impossible choice. Now I've got an infuriating Council-appointed chaperone, and I have to investigate the very people I was dealing with. They will not like that one bit. But something's going on—something big, and it's my job to find out what. No one ever said life as a Magus was easy, but mine's becoming downright deadly. Magi Argent is a new Urban Fantasy series from author Andrew Dobell. If you enjoy Jim Butcher, Shayne Silvers, Michael Anderle, M D Massey, or Kevin Hearne, you'll love this series.

  • Hunter Killer: Magi Argent, #2


    Hunter Killer: Magi Argent, #2
    Hunter Killer: Magi Argent, #2

    A Magus serial murderer stalks the streets. The death toll is rising, and the Council ask me to hunt him down. It's time to hunt a killer! After years of working in the shadows, and avoiding the Council, now I find myself working for them, and kind of enjoying it. Strange how these things work out. The Council's latest mission for me couldn't be more different though. Someone killed a girl, moments after she had her Epiphany and became a Magus. And it's not the first time it's happened either. There's a Magus Serial Killer out there, murdering these young, terrified people. But how do I find him and stop him? Looks like I'll have to dive deep into the underbelly of Magi society to track him down before he kills again. Luckily, I have my Nun with her guns, my shadow cat familiar, and my sadistic Magical ring to help me. The murderer will never know what hit him! Magi Argent is a new Urban Fantasy series from author Andrew Dobell. If you enjoy Jim Butcher, Shayne Silvers, M D Massey, or Kevin Hearne, you'll love this series.

  • Urban Legend: Magi Argent, #3


    Urban Legend: Magi Argent, #3
    Urban Legend: Magi Argent, #3

    Murderous Dark Magi. A global conspiracy. And no backup! I've proven myself to the Magi Council, and I've gained some freedom in return. But while I'm catching up with my good friend Silvana, in New York, a Dark Magus from her past attacks us - in my own home!!! Wonderful. Looks like I can't even have a quiet night in without someone trying to kill me. But there's more to this than meets the eye. The Dark Magi have been organising. These Nomads are up to something, and it's fallen to us to find out what. With leads taking us to Nomad strongholds in the UK, Transylvania, Venezuela and Mexico City, this could be my most dangerous mission yet, with ramifications for all of Magi society. But time is short and the Council are being too slow. So it falls to us. We go it alone, consequences be damned. Magi Argent is a new Urban Fantasy series from author Andrew Dobell. If you enjoy Jim Butcher, Shayne Silvers, M D Massey, or Kevin Hearne, you'll love this series.

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